Thursday, April 28, 2011


刚无意中点进 Yiisan 的 Blog ,看了之后我心情怪怪的,有点兴奋。哈哈!所以我也写一遍文章来弄她兴奋下。 Yiisan's blog

在茫茫人海中,上帝让我遇见你,我们的缘分就这样开始了,就如她所说' 我们做朋友做到好像在谈恋爱 ' 我也有同感,就是因为我在乎她,我才会生她气,吃她醋。其实我也不知道为什么我会那么爱她,也许是因为她特别,她可爱,而且她也对我很好哦!她会把我当小孩子那样照顾,帮我穿裤子,Sayang我。还记得我生日的时候,她亲手做了一张大卡片给我哦,我真的很开心。
 这卡片依然还贴在我房间里的墙壁哦 。
I love you .
muacks muackss

Sunday is love

240411   Sunday was my family day ! I love today muchhhh , cause i went movie with my family but without dadddy :'( ! After dinner, i went JUSCO with my lil FAT BROTHER , had an awesome tea time with him while waiting my mom came to met up us .

After tea , we watched ' Ghost Must Be Crazy ' . What a Sohai Movie , We're LOL in the cinema . 
It was a great dayyy! And my weekend was terrific love them lots



Yovell's bigday

Finally i'm free to update my death blog . And this post is to blog about my saturday and sunday outings again . I'm kinda busy this few days, Busy what? Facebook Facebook Class Class On phone On phone, *LOL* But now facebook is not that interesting anymore and my boy can't accompany me tonight, that is why i choose to blog at this hour . I'm just too boringggg ! Well , back to the topic . Last saturday, 230411 was yovell's birthday celebration , we went steamboat at Kepong . Just a simple day ...
5pm , i met up my friends at JUSCO , we are thinking what to give her as her birthday present . We walked whole Jusco, but still don't know what to buy , sooooooo .....
Our final decision was CONDOM .

I bought the Extra safe for her! HAHAHAHA . Ya i know i am not supposed to bought this such thingy for her,but i felt this is useful and I know i am lame, but i often did lame things with them *ROFL* btw hope she won't angry me :'( HAHAHA!!

Happy belated birthday to you , I Love you My lat mou chia ! 
hope you enjoy your day! Enddd .

Friday, April 22, 2011



Tuesday, April 19, 2011

160411♥ Recent

Chinese post

當天不是很舒服,又傷風搞得我連化妝的心情也沒了,只好素顏出門, 但還是有畫眉和補上BB Cream . 不然肯定會嚇死人哈哈。當天很早就出門,在時代廣場用餐後等Jesper兄到了,我們就出發到KL convention center了。好猛烈的太陽,當天我真的幾乎融化,還好我沒上妝,不然就糟糕了。


途中。走啊走啊走,在猛烈的陽光下拼命地走,真的好曬好熱好火哦,終於我看到了 雙峰塔
從我拍照這個位置走去Convention center還要一段路,真的夠遠的。Oh my god , 而且到達convention center我們也不知道JOJO在哪一個hall,只好逐個逐個hall找,裡面的情況我只能用 人山人海 來形容。真的很擠!可是也不能信息問他在哪裡,因為說好是 SUPRISE 只好到處問 Toshiba 在哪。找了好幾個hall後,終於也找到JOJO了。陪他一下,我們就回去pavilion。當然又是為了Chatime。
休息夠了,我們又走去時代後的 @Wings Cafe享用我們的晚餐

Buddy Jesper, 他真的好高。


160411♥ 是我們的一個月,寶貝一個月快樂。

我報讀了英文課程。 目前在進修英文,所以這篇我選擇以華語更新,因為每天對著那些alphabets我會瘋的

看來下個月,應該會開始忙起來了,最後一個月休息。加油咯 :-)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


A delayed post again ! Well, this post is wanted to blog about my saturday outing again . Yaya , I spend my saturday at pavilion again , told you guys , I must have a cup of chatime's pearl milk tea, at least once a week , I am so addicted to it . Hope Chatime will open a branch at kepong *think too much* Lol . Alright, Let's see picture I've no idea what to write HAHA .


Went dating with Winnie & Angeline, Yes Im late , they are eating at Barbeque Plaza while waiting me . When i reached, they almost finished their foods Lol .
This bouquet of roses pop out in sudden , Shocked me .Owh,it was Winnie&JunHao's one year anniversary
Congratulations My dear winnie , wish you two can last forever . *Sincere blessing you two*. 
After we took our bruch and off we go to Pavilion *CHATIME* wohooo! I miss the pearl milk tea so much so much so much . And i met up Jesper at there, I don't want to be light bulb, I am so bright on that day , Cause Winnie with her boyfie and angeline with her boyfie too, Im alone . After chilled at chatime we went Wong kok to took our Din din ( Dinner) , we spend the whole evening at there

Buddies ♥

My pretty babies . Love them lotss !

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Be obedient to your parents

When you were young
 They spent a lot of time to teach you to eat with spoon and chopstick
 Teach you to wear clothes , tie the laces and buttons
Teach you to wash your face and hair
 Teach you the truth in life
 So,when they get older...
When they couldn't think up or catch up...
 Please don't blame them
 When they started forgetting of tying shoelaces or buttons
 and their clothes got dirty when they're eating
 Their hands start to tremble
 Please stop to urging them , Because they growing old and you growing up
 as long as you were beside them
 Their heart will warm
 If one day, They cannot stand still or cannot move
 Please hold their hand
Just as they hold you